Jul 10, 2019 | Small School Benefits
By Dr. Stuart Grauer and Christina Ryan “Smaller, more intimate learning communities consistently deliver better results in academics and discipline when compared to their larger counterparts. Big schools offer few opportunities to participate.” Washington Post,...
Jul 1, 2019 | School Costs, Small Classrooms, Small School Benefits
By Stuart Grauer, Ed.D., Head of School at The Grauer School in Encinitas California Large Schools vs. Small Schools: Stark Differences Schools and school districts have grown steadily in size for well over 100 years. But since the 1960s, teachers have been...
Jun 26, 2019 | Small School Benefits, Small School Curricula
By Alicia Tembi (History Co-Chair), Tori Faxton (History Co-Chair),Clayton Payne (Dean of Students), and Dr. Stuart Grauer. The Grauer School “The aim is not so much that the pupils should accumulate a great deal of knowledge, but that [educators] prepare the...
Jun 12, 2019 | Small Classrooms, Small School Benefits
“Once we grow accustomed to the Socratic method of learning, we wonder, how have we drifted so far from the circle? What ever made us think that rows upon rows of desks would be the way to engage and connect?” Dr. Stuart Grauer Head of School, The Grauer School...
Jun 12, 2019 | School Costs, Small School Benefits
By Stuart Grauer, Ed.D. The Small Schools Coalition and The Grauer School This paper is a review of the costs of small schools (300 or fewer students) as compared to the costs of large consolidated schools (over 700). We kept finding that, with rare exception, when...
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