Small Schools Coalition Education Blog

Thin Trail: A Parallel Narrative

Thin Trail: A Parallel Narrative

“We set out on a winding, thin path, thick with moss covered rocks gently protruding, creek beds off to the right, and hardwood trees of quite a few species. These forest trails can be tricky to follow. You need to find ways to pay attention, ways you never need in...

A Hat from the Arctic

A Hat from the Arctic

“There’s a gentle mystery to paddling this long river north, as if its quiet currents hide a secret soul below.” I do not know exactly why I accepted an offer to paddle canoes into the far north country and into the Arctic, but as soon as I got the offer, I knew it...

Cooperative and Authentic Leadership

Cooperative and Authentic Leadership

In 1876, American baseball players did not use gloves and the pitcher stood in a box 45 feet from the batter, not today’s 60 feet. Original basketball games used peach baskets. Those were “the rules of the game.” Games are the mother of organization. So, imagine if...

Boys Pumping Iron and Summer Dreams

Boys Pumping Iron and Summer Dreams

It was a group of boys I was hanging out with one day. It could have been half of the teenage boys I know, and inevitably, the conversation turned to working out, strength, and (unspoken) physique. But where it went after that might be interesting not just to them,...

Flying the Flag at Schools

Flying the Flag at Schools

Explore the wild symbolism and controversies as a teacher reflects on the American flag. The tumultuous events of Woodstock, the Capitol riots, and the strange act of a Supreme Court justice all trigger the importance of history education in understanding our nation’s...

Revitalizing the Small School Community – Post 4

Revitalizing the Small School Community – Post 4

THE RENAISSANCE OF SMALL SCHOOLS: Revitalizing the Small School Community by Angela L Fubler, BA, BCS, M.Ed.Consultant, Eaglemann Learning & Innovation GroupFounder, Owner - Chatmore British International School, Bermuda Welcome Back!I’m back after what felt like...

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