Boys Pumping Iron and Summer Dreams

Boys Pumping Iron and Summer Dreams

It was a group of boys I was hanging out with one day. It could have been half of the teenage boys I know, and inevitably, the conversation turned to working out, strength, and (unspoken) physique. But where it went after that might be interesting not just to them,...
Revalidation is Justification – Post 3

Revalidation is Justification – Post 3

THE RENAISSANCE OF SMALL SCHOOLS: Revalidation is Justification by Angela L Fubler, BA, BCS, M.Ed.Consultant, Eaglemann Learning & Innovation GroupFounder, Owner – Chatmore British International School, Bermuda  Welcome Back! This week we will discuss the...
School, Play, Love

School, Play, Love

Announcement: After 32 years at The Grauer School, I recently received my first promotion. I am pleased to announce that I have been promoted from Head of School to assistant surf teacher. I feel I have earned this, though I admit I don’t show up all the time. Plus, I...

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