Small Schools Coalition Education Blog

School Choice: Are You Part of a National Movement?

School Choice: Are You Part of a National Movement?

Many of you reading this column (thank you!) are independent or private school families. And you may be caught in a dilemma you might not have thought much about. You love that you can choose the schooling that suits your family values. You probably even made peace...

Two Vagabonds

Two Vagabonds

SundayIt was an Irish folk musician alongside his partner, a California multi-instrumentalist, performing a Sunday afternoon concert in the assembly room at the Pilgrim Church in Carlsbad. Just the photo of their instruments — hammered dulcimer, mandolin, mandola,...

Uncle John’s School

Uncle John’s School

My whole life, I’ve appreciated music and developing my musical tastes. Over time, some music became so resonant and so beautiful to me that it felt like it had always existed, like a part of nature, like it was a part of my life, and this is what it felt like to me...

Thin Trail: A Parallel Narrative

Thin Trail: A Parallel Narrative

“We set out on a winding, thin path, thick with moss covered rocks gently protruding, creek beds off to the right, and hardwood trees of quite a few species. These forest trails can be tricky to follow. You need to find ways to pay attention, ways you never need in...

A Hat from the Arctic

A Hat from the Arctic

“There’s a gentle mystery to paddling this long river north, as if its quiet currents hide a secret soul below.” I do not know exactly why I accepted an offer to paddle canoes into the far north country and into the Arctic, but as soon as I got the offer, I knew it...

Cooperative and Authentic Leadership

Cooperative and Authentic Leadership

In 1876, American baseball players did not use gloves and the pitcher stood in a box 45 feet from the batter, not today’s 60 feet. Original basketball games used peach baskets. Those were “the rules of the game.” Games are the mother of organization. So, imagine if...

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