Small Schools Coalition Education Blog
The Great Philosophies of Education in Small Schools
“Imagination is more important than intelligence.” A lot has happened in the field of education over the past few generations and, in all reality, centuries. As a result, there are many great philosophies of education to choose from when designing curricula that...
The Small School Approach to Waldorf Inspired Learning
"Where is the book in which the teacher can read about what teaching is? The children themselves are this book." The Small Schools Coalition is one of the foremost proponents of Waldorf-inspired learning. Our founder, Dr. Stuart Grauer, was a teacher and principal in...
Myths, Reality and Potential of The Small Schools
By Dr. Stuart Grauer and Christina Ryan “Smaller, more intimate learning communities consistently deliver better results in academics and discipline when compared to their larger counterparts. Big schools offer few opportunities to participate.” A Comprehensive Study...
A Primer on the Power and Tradition of Small Schools
By Stuart Grauer, Ed.D., Head of School at The Grauer School in Encinitas CaliforniaLarge Schools vs. Small Schools: Stark DifferencesSchools and school districts have grown steadily in size for well over 100 years. But since the 1960s, teachers have been consistently...
Cultivating the Arts in History Class
By Alicia Tembi (History Co-Chair), Tori Faxton (History Co-Chair),Clayton Payne (Dean of Students), and Dr. Stuart Grauer. The Grauer School "The aim is not so much that the pupils should accumulate a great deal of knowledge, but that [educators] prepare the ground...
Real Socratic Instruction
“Once we grow accustomed to the Socratic method of learning, we wonder, how have we drifted so far from the circle? What ever made us think that rows upon rows of desks would be the way to engage and connect?” Socratic Instruction is the oldest, most powerful teaching...