Small Schools Coalition Education Blog
Decoding Brilliance: Unveiling the Magic of Intentionally Small Schools
On June 12, the Education Collaborative for International Schools (ECIS) hosted a virtual event titled Decoding Brilliance: Unveiling the Magic of Intentionally Small Schools. Jeremy Majeski, Principal at Frankfurt International School’s Wiesbaden Campus and...
Grauer School Teachers Speak Out About the Socratic Method
...and What It Means to Them Socratic Method at Grauer “I find myself using the Socratic Method often when we are solving and breaking down word problems. Problem solving skills don't come easily to many students. However, when I ask them to break down each...
Did you know that growing numbers of students in our country are afraid to express their ideas in the classroom? They will just not speak their mind. This is not because they think they might be wrong. No. It is more because they worry that so many things on their...
Faculty Housing In Independent Schools
I moved to Encinitas, California, in 1990 with the lure of Southern California point breaks, woodies cruising the town, flower fields everywhere, and an aversion to L.A. By 1992, I had purchased my home there, with a view overlooking what would become the site of The...
The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO)
Democracy is one of the cornerstones of life in the United States and, as we firmly set out feet in the year 2020, many other countries worldwide. So, it stands to reason that our mainstream public education systems were created to replicate active democratic...
SSC Member Spotlight: Score Academy in Florida
Here at the Small Schools Coalition, we are all about, well, small schools! On more than one occasion, we have waded into the still-somewhat muddy waters of exactly what number of students in a classroom constitutes a small learning community. We have also discussed...